Harnessing Carbon as a Catalyst for Indigenous-Led Conservation

What Is First 30x30 Canada?

First 30x30 Canada supports Indigenous-led conservation by harnessing nature-based solutions and carbon finance. Nature-based solutions (NbS) protect and restore ecosystems to benefit both human well-being and biodiversity.

Together, we will advance a network of Indigenous-led projects, each with NbS and Indigenous rights and responsibilities at their center. In particular, we look for opportunities to channel carbon and NbS finance for the growing network of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) in Canada.

  1. We focus on social justice and Indigenous leadership.

  2. We work to close the gap for early-stage NbS project development.

  3. We foster high-integrity projects that create lasting value for communities and biodiversity.

Our Approach

Project Ideation and Co-Creation

Support Indigenous governments to co-create high-integrity NbS / carbon project concepts.

Early-Stage Project Support

Advance and fund early-stage project analysis, relationship building, and development.

Investor Matching

Launch new projects by connecting Indigenous-led opportunities to investment capital and global corporates.

Fair Benefit-Sharing

Facilitate fair project financing agreements between investors and Indigenous governments based on the principles of free, prior, informed consent. Ensure that Indigenous governments retain >50% of the long-term project revenue.

Why Now?

First 30×30 Canada works at the intersection of urgent opportunities for climate, conservation, and Indigenous Reconciliation.

What is an IPCA?

First 30×30 Canada focuses on supporting Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) — places that Indigenous communities have identified for cultural management.

Who Are We?

First 30×30 Canada is a collaboration led by Nature For Justice (N4J), IISAAK OLAM Foundation (IOF), and Nature Focus Development (NFD). Together, we bring expertise in conservation finance, Indigenous engagement, and NbS development.

Indigenous Nations can lead the way, to help Canada reach its target for 30% lands and waters conserved by 2030.

Intersecting Areas of Impact

Program Context: Why Now?

As we grapple with overlapping crises for climate, biodiversity, and the loss of Indigenous lands and culture, Canada’s Indigenous peoples are rising to meet the challenge. The Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) movement touches on a number of urgent, intersecting global and national goals — for Indigenous reconciliation, Canada's 30x30 conservation targets, and climate action. This moment offers a vital opportunity for nature’s best stewards to lead the way.

Thick fern ground cover under a dense old growth redwood forest in California

Sustainable Finance for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs)

IPCAs are lands and waters where Indigenous governments have the primary role in protecting and conserving ecosystems through Indigenous laws, governance, and knowledge systems. Across their different forms, IPCAs are Indigenous-led; they represent a long-term commitment to conservation; and they elevate Indigenous rights and responsibilities. First 30x30 Canada works with Nations to establish and fund their IPCAs for generations to come.


Core Partners


Meet the First 30x30 Canada Team


First 30x30 Collaborator Network

First 30×30 is building a network of aligned organizations with the expertise, skill sets, and reach to accelerate Indigenous-led NbS projects.

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) to Benefit People and Planet

NbS projects protect and restore ecosystems to benefit both biodiversity and human well-being, contributing to climate change mitigation, disaster risk reduction, food security, and sustainable development. NbS projects—by, for example, protecting forests, restoring wetlands and waterways, or promoting regenerative agriculture—harness ecosystem services to address environmental challenges while safeguarding human communities.

Markets for NbS “credits”—including carbon credits—can channel financial resources for land stewardship through carbon, biodiversity, watershed, and other socio-ecological values. If managed in such a way that centers Indigenous leadership and responsibilities, NbS markets can advance social justice by promoting new opportunities to sustainably finance Indigenous land management and conservation efforts.

Getting in touch

Global Collaboration, On-the-Ground Impact

Getting in touch

Global Collaboration, On-the-Ground Impact

Getting in touch

Global Collaboration, On-the-Ground Impact

For Indigenous Governments and Project Partners

If you are interested in learning more about how to collaborate with First 30×30 on an NbS, carbon, or IPCA project, contact Isabel Simons.

For Foundations and Philanthropy

To learn more about how to support First 30×30 or Indigenous-led NbS projects, contact Robin Barr.

For Companies and Investors

To learn more about project investment and offtaking opportunities with First 30×30, please contact Jeffrey Brown.


How to Give

Donate Online

Please note, the platform applies a small processing fee to online donations. To donate by check or other methods, contact Sbain@nature4justice.org

About us

Done right, carbon projects—deploying nature-based solutions—can channel long-term finance for Indigenous-led conservation and land management. Launched in late 2023, First 30×30 Canada works to promote and support Indigenous-led NbS and carbon projects, to sustainably finance emerging Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) and other visions for Indigenous stewardship and conservation in Canada. This is a pathway to advance global climate and biodiversity goals while centering social justice and reconciliation for Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

First 30×30 Canada is a partnership initiative between Nature For Justice (N4J), IISAAK OLAM Foundation (IOF), and Nature Focus Development (NFD).

Contact Us

©copyright 30x30

Site by: Owen Perry

About 30x30

Done right, carbon projects—deploying nature-based solutions—can channel long-term finance for Indigenous-led conservation and land management. Launched in late 2023, First 30×30 Canada works to promote and support Indigenous-led NbS and carbon projects, to sustainably finance emerging Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) and other visions for Indigenous stewardship and conservation in Canada. This is a pathway to advance global climate and biodiversity goals while centering social justice and reconciliation for Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

First 30×30 Canada is a partnership initiative between Nature For Justice (N4J), IISAAK OLAM Foundation (IOF), and Nature Focus Development (NFD).